Xerolite-The TradingView Webhook Solutions
Our Solutions

Xerolite-The TradingView Webhook Solutions

Xerolite- Automate your tradingview alert

Are you a TradingView enthusiast seeking to automate your trading strategy?

Look no further – Xerolite is the solution you’ve been waiting for. Elevate your trading experience by effortlessly turning TradingView alerts into real orders with the power of Xerolite.

Explore the simplicity and efficiency of automated trading, ensuring timely executions and maximizing your trading potential. Discover how Xerolite can revolutionize your approach to trading. Take the next step towards precision and profitability!

<span style="color:white">Key Features</span>

Key Features


TradingView Integration:
Seamlessly connect your TradingView alerts (Or Similar Alert broadcasting platform) to Xerolite


Whitelisting Capabilities:
Take full control of your trading by whitelisting specific conditions or parameters that trigger trade executions, providing enhanced precision and risk management.


Customizable Strategies:
Define and fine-tune your trading strategies using TradingView’s robust alert system, tailored to your unique trading style and preferences.


Please contact us if you need to to create a customized strategy


Real-Time Execution:
Experience rapid order execution with Xerolite’s real-time capabilities, ensuring timely responses to market movements and opportunities.


User-Friendly Interface:
Xerolite’s intuitive interface makes it easy for traders of all levels to set up, monitor, and adjust automated trading strategies with ease.

Broker Integration with XeroLite
For Algo Trader

Broker Integration with XeroLite

XeroLite is currently connected to Interactive Brokers, providing seamless integration for your trading needs. Our platform is designed for flexibility, ensuring a smooth experience for traders using Interactive Brokers.

Expand Your Broker Options:

Expand Your Broker Options:

Need integration with other brokers?

XeroLite offers broker integration on demand. If you’re interested in connecting to a different broker, let us know! For popular brokers, we may even offer this service at no cost or a reduced fee, potentially adding it to our base features. Contact us to explore your options and expand your trading capabilities.

Contact Us For Other Broker Integration
As Easy As 1-2-3

How It Works

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